Monday, July 27, 2009

The financial devastation that accompanies serious illness and injury is a real risk for growing numbers of American families

With more than 65% of people living paycheck to paycheck and a shaky economy causing that number to grow, more than ever Americans need the security of knowing that their income is a constant. disability insurance
is the protection needed to do just that, in case medical disaster strikes. Most people carry some form of medical insurance to cover medical costs, but should the worst happen and they were too injured or ill to work, many would have no income to cover any of the regular day to day expenses they face. That does not even take into consideration the additional costs that would be brought about by medical expenses that are not covered, insurance deductibles and more. offers the needed solution with a variety of disability insurance plans to fit practically every family.

Statistics show that more than half of housing foreclosures and personal bankruptcies are caused by disability. The financial impact of a serious illness or injury on your life is devastating if you are not adequately prepared. If you cannot work for an extended period of time, you run the risk of losing your home, your car, your boat and other things you have taken the precaution of insuring against other perils. You could even lose your health insurance. With the chances of becoming disabled before you retire being a shocking 3 in 10, your risk of needing disability income insurance is very high. You can protect your assets, your lifestyle, and your family with some advance planning and the right disability insurance product.
Tom Carolan, Director of Client Services with, states "People will buy health insurance coverage to protect against catastrophic illnesses, but forget that when catastrophic illness strikes they often cannot work to earn an income." His company has a comprehensive line of disability and life insurance products that can provide peace of mind. In fact their products can even help achieve significant savings on health insurance deductibles and premiums. Policyholders can count on their disability insurance covering a significant portion of their deductible in the case of serious illness or injury; therefore they can opt for the savings that come from choosing affordable medical insurance with higher deductibles.

Disability insurance plans can literally save people from financial ruin. Those who have opted for disability insurance and have needed to use it are able to face the stresses of adapting to the changes in their life without having to worry about losing their home, car or family's financial future. is available to help customers find the best product to meet their need, and can even help fit it into their insurance budget through the savings it can provide on regular medical insurance costs. The online insurance shopping available at makes shopping for any kind of healthcare insurance efficient and effective. also carrys group medical insurance plans and many options for low cost medical insurance coverage.

Posted via web from besthealthcarerates's posterous

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