Saturday, July 25, 2009

Going Without Major Medical Insurance Plans: Is it worth the risk?

While sometimes living on the edge can be an adventure, people going without major medical insurance plans can end up with far more risk than they bargained for. The number of people declaring bankruptcy as a result of extreme medical debt is astounding. As medical costs rise and rise seemingly every year, while incomes in many parts of the U.S. remain stagnant, there is a great potential for financial disaster, especially if people are going without medical coverage.

Both financial experts and insurance experts agree that it is better to cut costs in other areas before cutting out major affordable medical insurance. Does it feel like there is nothing you can cut out of your budget? Consider some of the following ways to whittle it down, so there is enough money for affordable health coverage premiums.

Seek Free Entertainment
Although we are in economic crisis in the U.S., people are still spending their hard-earned money on all kinds of entertainment. While entertainment like movies and professional sports outings are enjoyable, is it more important than having a family medical insurance plan? Rather than spending money on pricey entertainment, consider free sources. Go to the theatre in the park, the local art museum or check out your city's community website for other free family events. Rent a movie from the library and have family movie night. There are many ways to cut costs in the realm of entertainment that will save you big bucks and allow you to allocate the savings to your medical coverage.

Brown Bag It
Working professionals spend hundreds even thousands of dollars a year on lunches out on the town. Rather than going to the local café or deli on your lunch break, take a brown bag lunch: a sandwich, fruit, carrot sticks and maybe some chips and a cookie. You'll be amazed by how much money you will save in a year-probably more than enough to cover your health care coverage premiums. You may even lose some unwanted pounds!

Cut Down on the "Extras"
You know, those things that aren't really required in life: pedicures, monthly hair coloring, expensive perfume, your daily cup of gourmet coffee, a new book when you can borrow one from the library. Cutting back on these things will help you to free up money to put towards your major medical insurance.

Nearly everyone is feeling the pinch of the economy and there are always ways to cut back on costs, but removing health insurance coverage from your budget is not the best way to save. In fact, in the long-run you are more likely to wind up with huge medical costs that would have been covered had you made the effort to pay premiums toward a major affordable medical insurance.

While you may think that there is no way you can afford the coverage you need, it is worth your time to take a look. There are a plethora of different plan types and premium levels from which to choose. It's possible to find affordable health coverage that can provide you with the medical and financial security you need to protect you and your family in shaky economic times. has helped thousands of families and businesses to find the most affordable medical insurance. Providing medical insurance quoting and research tools makes it easy to find the most affordable medical plans. is an "A " rated website for online reliability. We also carry group medical insurance

Posted via web from besthealthcarerates's posterous

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